Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Interview with Mrs. Ferreiro

She works in a company in El Salvador. Apex BBDO is an advertising company, which works with different companies in El Salvador like for example restaurants, boutiques etc. The company doesn't work only in this areas but also works in advertising for local Channels.

They are in charge of editing adverts and publishing them for many local shows like for example ''Cantando por un sueño''.

1) Briefly describe your role in Apex.
In Apex, basically everything is done in groups. Each group for example is divided into two areas. This areas are the Designers who are the people in charge of designing the adverts (the campaign as a whole) and there is another area that deals with the public, more like public relations. Each groups works with different companies for example Pizza Hut. We are in charged of making the  adverts as well as putting the menu together.

2) How can you relate your job with the topic of Television Series?
We work with a variety of TV shows, most of them local TV shows.  Some examples are Cantando por un Sueño, Bailando Por un Sueño. We also work not only in this but also in designing the logos for one specific channel. For example if Bailando por un Sueño is shown in Channel 13, we design the logo for the Serie but also for the channel.  

3) Which methods of advertising does the company uses for Cantando/ Bailando por un Sueño?
We first of all design the logo for the Serie. Secondly we work not only in billboard that are placed in the streets but also we work on a variety of adverts that are designed to be placed in local newspapers and magazines. Moreover, the department of public relations has a specific role that they should maintain contact with local channels for example Canal 4 etc. The main reason for this is that we also create TV commercials to increase awareness of the public.

4) Why do you think Advertising is important for TV series?
In El Salvador, advertising is important first of all as I said before to increase awareness of the public. Many people will not know what the Television Serie is about if this is not being described. This description needs to be clear and simple for people to understand it and at the same time increase popularity. Moreover advertising is important because this shows are carried out with money from sponsorships since there are focused on charity. Therefore advertising is an important factor to address who this companies who sponsor the Serie are.

Interview was translated from Spanish to English

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