Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Print Impression:

Ivan Cano is a professional makeup, hair stylist and Inside designer that know a days works as a professor of ISAD University. He has work in several Mexican TV Series such as "La Pasion" and "Amor Real".


1) How did you begin working in the TV?

I started working on my own hair and makeup local in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico. At first it was hard because there is fierce competition of beauty salons but gradually things got better. I have always been very interested in film and television so when I had the opportunity to work on "Real Love" in 2003 I took it, that's how I started my career in television.

2) In what other productions did you work?

I Work on "Real love" and "The Passion" both produced by Carla Estrada. In both I participate in the hair and makeup artists.

3) What is the hardest part about being a TV series stylist?

The hardest thing is to achieve the perfect synchronization between each scene and the actor. For example, the actor begins the scene with dirt in the upper left cheekbone consequently in the next shot the actor must have the makeup in the exact same place where it was at the beginning of the shoot. Making this perfect synchronization between shots is extremely important.

4) What is the importance of a good hairstyle in a series?

The most important thing about a hairstyle is the congruence with the serie, if for example the serie takes place in the fifteenth century the hair should be used to match the time and place.

5) What are the most common mistakes on TV?

The most frequent errors are given between shoots because as I mentioned before is very difficult for the hair and the makeup to remain intact after 2 hours of work in another scene.

6) What are things you watch in an actress before adding makeup?

Usually I look at the shape and dark areas of the face, the natural brightness, the skin color, the eye size, the shape of the eyebrows, cheekbones, and the proportions of nose, forehead and mouth. With all these data I decide which is the best make up for the actress. 

7) What do you consider the best of work on TV?

Personally I think I have learned a lot from working on television, this happens because before adding makeup or combing someones hair you need to know the historic period in which the serie is going to develop, you can also learn a lot by the many different places of the world where th filming is done. 

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